Hello, and welcome to "Yet Another Platforming Challenge" which is a platformer that aims to give you a fun challenge with an end goal of giving you nice little trophy for your troubles.

"Yet Another Platforming Challenge" will give you some challenging platforming sections, some puzzle that need to be solved, and other features that will hopefully give a fun challenge. These included...


Crystals (1pts)

Silver Medals (500pts)

Trophy (Ends Play Section for now)

One of your goals is to collect these items through out the game. The main one Crystals are all over the map and are very abandonment while Silver Medals you will have to go off the beaten map and challenge a very hard platforming/puzzle section to gain these rare collectibles. To obtain the trophy you'll have to complete the main path of the game to get a chance at it.

Game Hazards

This game contains a variety of different hazards that will challenge you.  Some will help you progress while others will hinder you.





Buzz Saws






Puzzle Objects

Puzzle objects will need to be solved via switch mechanics or other means. These puzzle object can also be used to create Trap Rooms as well.






Save Point


There are save points through the level that will save your location to that point. If it is  the savepoint is inactive if the save point is means that if you die in the game you'll be teleport back to this location. 

How to play the Game


"Left" Key: Move Left

"Right" Key: Move Right

"Z" Key: Jump

"Left+Z" keys against Wall: Climb Wall

"Right+Z" keys against Wall: Climb Wall


This game is currently in active development so all features I want to be added aren't in the game just yet and there will be a graphics overhaul down the line once I get the project into a state were the features and map is almost complete. 

Development Vlog

YouTube Playlist


Devlog #1

Devlog #2

LP #1


yet_another_platforming_challenge_0_3_windows.zip 14 MB
yet_another_platforming_challenge_0_3_linux.zip 16 MB
yet_another_platforming_challege_pre_0_2.zip 13 MB
yet_another_platformer_challenge_pre_0_1.zip 13 MB

Install instructions

Installation Instructions

  1. Download "yet_another_platformer_challenge_pre_x_x.zip
  2. Use a Zip archive program (windows zip, 7-Zip, WinRar) to get access to files
  3. Unarchive all files to a folder of your choosing
  4. Open folder
  5. Click on "runnable.exe"
  6. Enjoy!

If you need additional help just post in the comment section I'll try to help you the best I can.

Development log

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